Registered Bowen Health Therapist

The Bowen Technique moves the fascia and soft tissue in purposeful genital “rolling-type moves” to deliver signals to the nervous system that stimulate fascia, joints, ligaments, meridian lines, muscles, nerves and tendons. This technique is a whole-body therapy which means the moves are done in specific purposeful way which will allow the body to shift from sympathetic (fight flight) to p... Read More

The Bowen Technique moves the fascia and soft tissue in purposeful genital “rolling-type moves” to deliver signals to the nervous system that stimulate fascia, joints, ligaments, meridian lines, muscles, nerves and tendons.

This technique is a whole-body therapy which means the moves are done in specific purposeful way which will allow the body to shift from sympathetic (fight flight) to parasympathetic (rest and digest). The treatment will continue working on the body for up to 5 days.

During your treatment, your therapist will allow 2 minutes rest between each move to allow the body to rest and brain to focus on the move/area, which can be done through light clothing.

The fundamental principle of Bowen is that the client’s body is doing the healing.

Bowen Technique is appropriate for all ages and health spectrum.

Clarissa has an enthusiastic, approachable, friendly way of motivating and working with clients which has been cultivated through her experience in Bowen Therapy and Medical Allied Health Professional careers.

As a Registered Bowen Health Therapist, she enjoys helping clients reduce stress, improve their quality of life, rebalance misalignments and reclaim their lives. She has expanded her knowledge base over the years in Bowen Therapy with advanced training from Dr. Manon Bolliger - Founder of Bowen College, John Garfield - College of Applied Myoskeletal Therapy, Ron Phelan - PASC - Practitioner Assessment Skills Course (R), Alastair McLoughlin - The Art of Bowen and McLoughlin Scar Tissue Release(R) and Kelly Clancy - Tensegrity Medicine Level 1.

Clarissa has an enthusiastic, approachable, friendly way of motivating and working with clients w... Read More

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Located at: 4300 N Fraser Way, Suite 170, Burnaby
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